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How to Get Involved

This page contains links to all of the meeting notes, design docs and related discussions around the APIs. If you're interested in working towards a formal role in the project, refer to the Contributor Ladder.

Feedback and Questions

For general feedback, questions or to share ideas please feel free to create a new discussion.

Bug Reports

Bug reports should be filed as Github Issues on this repo.

NOTE: If you're reporting a bug that applies to a specific implementation of Gateway API and not the API specification itself, please check our implementations page to find links to the repositories where you can get help with your specific implementation.


Major discussions and notifications will be sent on the SIG-NETWORK mailing list.

We also have a Slack channel (sig-network-gateway-api) on for day-to-day questions, discussions.


Gateway API has multiple meetings covering different aspects and topics of the Gateway API project. The following calendar includes all SIG Network meetings (which therefore includes all Gateway API meetings which include "Gateway API" somewhere in their name):

Main Meeting

The main Gateway API community meetings happen weekly on Mondays at 3pm Pacific Time (23:00 UTC):

Being the main meeting for Gateway API, the topics can vary here and often this is where new topics and ideas are discussed. However if you're simply interested in the ingress use case, this is the common forum for that.

Mesh Meeting (GAMMA)

GAMMA is the initative within Gateway API to use the resources provided by Gateway API for service mesh use cases. Meetings happen every other week on Tuesdays, alternating between 3pm Pacific Time (23:00 UTC) and 8AM Pacific Time (16:00 UTC):

Meeting Notes and Recordings

Meeting agendas and notes are maintained in the meeting notes doc. Likewise, GAMMA has its own meeting notes doc. Feel free to add topics for discussion at an upcoming meeting.

All meetings are recorded and automatically uploaded to the Gateway API meetings Youtube playlist.

Early Meetings

Some early community meetings were uploaded to a separate YouTube playlist, and then to the SIG Network Youtube playlist.

Initial Design Discussions

Presentations and Talks

Date Title
November, 2019 Kubecon 2019 San Diego: Evolving the Kubernetes Ingress APIs to GA and Beyond slides, video
November, 2019 Kubecon 2019 San Diego: SIG-NETWORK Service/Ingress Evolution Discussion slides
May, 2019 Kubecon 2019 Barcelona: Ingress V2 and Multicluster Services slides, video
March, 2018 SIG-NETWORK: Ingress user survey data, slides

Code of conduct

Participation in the Kubernetes community is governed by the Kubernetes Code of Conduct