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Getting started with Gateway API

1. Install a Gateway controller OR install the Gateway API CRDs manually


2. Try out one of the available guides:

Installing a Gateway controller

There are multiple projects that support the Gateway API. By installing a Gateway controller in your Kubernetes cluster, you can try out the guides above. This will demonstrate that the desired routing configuration is actually being implemented by your Gateway resources (and the network infrastructure that your Gateway resources represent). Note that many of the Gateway controller setups will install and remove the Gateway API bundle for you.

Installing Gateway API

A Gateway API bundle represents the set of CRDs associated with a version of Gateway API. Each release includes two channels with different levels of stability:

Install Standard Channel

The standard release channel includes all resources that have graduated to GA or beta, including GatewayClass, Gateway, HTTPRoute, and ReferenceGrant. To install this channel, run the following kubectl command:

kubectl apply -f

Install Experimental Channel

The experimental release channel includes everything in the standard release channel plus some experimental resources and fields. This includes TCPRoute, TLSRoute, UDPRoute and GRPCRoute.

Note that future releases of the API could include breaking changes to experimental resources and fields. For example, any experimental resource or field could be removed in a future release. For more information on the experimental channel, refer to our versioning documentation.

To install the experimental channel, run the following kubectl command:

kubectl apply -f


After you're done, you can clean up after yourself by uninstalling the Gateway API CRDs by replacing "apply" with "delete" in the commands above. If these resources are in-use or if they were installed by a Gateway controller, then do not uninstall them. This will uninstall the Gateway API resources for the entire cluster. Do not do this if they might be in-use by someone else as this will break anything using these resources.

More on CRD Management

This guide only provides a high level overview of how to get started with Gateway API. For more on the topic of managing Gateway API CRDs, refer to our CRD Management Guide.